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Using My Health Record: Fact sheet for clinical immunology/allergy specialists

5 March 2020:  The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) through the National Allergy Strategy is collaborating with the Australian Digital Health Agency to provide information to clinical immunology/allergy specialists about using My Health Record to improve patient care. This new Fact sheet for clinical immunology/allergy specialists developed...

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Register for the My Health Record Webinar – Wednesday 4 March 6pm -7pm AEDT

26 February 2020:  Understanding how to register and upload to My Health Record can be challenging. Join Professor Steven Boyages as he interviews Carey Doolan from the Australian Digital Health Agency to provide practical advice to help you register and upload to My Health Record. To register for this webinar on 4th March 2020, 6-7pm AEDT go to here. For information about...

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Parliamentary inquiry into allergy and anaphylaxis

19 November 2019:  The National Allergy Strategy was pleased to be invited to speak at the public hearing of the parliamentary inquiry into allergy and anaphylaxis, in Sydney on the 19th November 2019. ASCIA and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia were also invited to speak at the hearing.  We would once again, like to acknowledge Mr Trent Zimmerman and Minister Hunt...

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A submission from the National Allergy Strategy

Parliamentary inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis - 12 November 2019: The National Allergy Strategy would like to acknowledge Mr Trent Zimmerman and Minister Greg Hunt for conducting a federal parliamentary inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis. The National Allergy Strategy has made a submission to the parliamentary inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis.  Download...

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