About Us
What is the National Allergy Council?
The National Allergy Council is a progression of the National Allergy Strategy and remains a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), working in consultation with key stakeholder organisations.
The National Allergy Council has two Co-chairs Dr Michaela Lucas (representing ASCIA) and Maria Said AM (representing A&AA) who are also Directors and two additional Directors, Dr Melanie Wong (representing ASCIA) and Ms Madeleine Young (representing A&AA).
The National Allergy Council projects are overseen by an Advisory Committee which also comprises project Co-lead representatives from ASCIA and A&AA along with a representative from the National Allergy Centre of Excellence (NACE).
Why has the National Allergy Strategy become the National Allergy Council?
The National Allergy Council is a formalisation of the equal partnership between ASCIA and A&AA. The National Allergy Council will continue to progress the projects initiated under the National Allergy Strategy with the same staff.
The National Allergy Strategy is the document which provides guidance on what work needs to be undertaken to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians living with allergic diseases including reducing the burden on carers, healthcare services and the community.
Why was a National Allergy Strategy developed?
Allergic disease has become an increasingly important chronic disease and public health issue in Australia and other developed countries over the last two decades, contributing to increased demand for medical services, significant economic cost of care and reduced quality of life of people with allergic disease and their carers. Currently affecting more than 4 million Australians, the rapid and continuing rise of allergic disease is therefore a serious public health issue that requires action by all levels of government and the community.
To address these issues, in 2014-2015, the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), as the leading medical and patient organisations for allergy in Australia, developed and launched the first National Allergy Strategy for Australia, in collaboration with other stakeholder organisations. An important guiding principle is that the National Allergy Strategy remains patient and consumer focused. This is reflected in the Mission of the National Allergy Strategy:
To improve the health and quality of life of Australians with allergic diseases, and minimise the burden of allergic diseases on individuals, their carers, healthcare services and the community.
For more information about the Strategy, visit the Our Strategy page.
It is important to note that the content of the National Allergy Strategy has not been influenced by financial supporters.
Content updated August 2022