NAC Newsletter October 2023
Shared Care for Allergy project
- In the past couple of months, we have undertaken targeted consultations with health professionals involved in delivering outreach programs and other novel shared care approaches.
- We have also undertaken consumer consultations to determine consumer acceptability of possible shared care approaches.
- All of this work will inform a two-day stakeholder meeting in November to discuss pathways to care and all the components required to support this such as education and training.
Stay updated on the Shared Care for Allergy project by subscribing to the Shared Care for Allergy Bulletin.
Allergy 250K project
- The next Allergy 250K school-aged teens camp will be held in March 2024 in Sydney.
- The next Allergy 250K young adult/peer mentor camp is planned for July 2024 in Queensland.
- There is a new section on the Allergy 250K website where people can contact us about the Allergy 250K camps.
Allergy 250K Sunshine Coast school-aged teens camp, March 2023.
Visit the Allergy 250K website.
Allergy Aware schools and CEC project
- The updated best practice guidelines for schools and children’s education and care (CEC) services will be released next month.
- The re-designed Allergy Aware website will also be available next month. The new website will make it easier to access information, include a new camp section and also include content on the webpages to enable the use of ReadSpeaker to translate information.
- We are also developing a parent resource, in collaboration with Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia, so that parents will know what they should expect from an Allergy Aware school or CEC service and how they can support an Allergy Aware school or CEC service.
Visit the Allergy Aware website.
Nip allergies in the Bub food allergy prevention project
- The new Nip allergies in the Bub website is making it much easier for people to find the information they are looking for.
- A series of new baby eczema videos will be available next month focusing on:
- How to apply moisturisers
- How to apply cortisone creams
- How to do bleach baths
- How to use wet dressings
- Types of moisturisers
Visit the Nip allergies in the Bub website.
Conference presentations
- The National Allergy Council presented the Shared Care for Allergy project at the recent Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) conference and also had a stand in the exhibition. This provided us with the opportunity to share information with a range of health professionals about the Shared Care for Allergy project and our other projects.
- The National Allergy Council presented the Shared Care for Allergy project at the recent Council for Remote Area Nurses of Australia (CRANAplus) conference in Cairns. CRANAplus is the peak professional body for remote and isolated health workforce.
View our conference posters.
FREE posters and bookmarks
The following National Allergy Council resources are available free of charge (including free postage) from the Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia online shop:
- National Allergy Council bookmarks
- Nip allergies in the Bub bookmarks and posters
- Allergy 250K bookmarks and posters
- All about Allergens online training bookmarks
- The Usual Suspects poster (developed with the NSW Food Authority and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia)
- Allergy Aware resource hub for Schools and CEC bookmarks

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