
All about Allergens online training
The All about Allergens online training provides access to food service training that is fast, easy and free. The free comprehensive training program provides need to know information relevant for those working in food service and is presented using videos and interactive activities.

All about Allergens resource hub
These resources are designed to help those working in food service to manage food allergy. They are designed to be used together to provide a complete resource kit for food allergen management. They can be freely downloaded and adapted for individual sites.

Allergy 250K
The Allergy 250K website is ‘A hub for the 250,000 young Australians living with severe allergies’. It aims to provide age-appropriate information and resources to assist young people who are living with severe allergies, and to help them to feel more connected with other teens and young adults going through similar experiences in a fun but informative way.

Allergy Aware
Support for schools and children’s education and care services to prevent and manage anaphylaxis.
The site hosts links to national, state and territory existing legislation, procedures and guidelines which schools and CEC services are required to be compliant with.

Nip allergies in the Bub
The Nip Allergies in the Bub website provides practical information about how and when to introduce the common allergy causing foods as well as how to optimise eczema management, for food allergy prevention.
The website has practical information for parents as well as a section for health professionals.

Food Allergy Aware resource hub
The food allergy aware website provides a resource hub for food allergy management. Information for food service, schools, ECEC services, health professionals and the general community are available. The site includes food allergy resources developed by the National Allergy Strategy, ASCIA, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia and other credible, evidence based organisations.

All about Allergens authorised officer resource hub
This hub provides an overview of the legislative context for food allergens in food service and manufacturing and also information to assist authorised officers to help to improve practises around food allergen management.

Food Allergy Week
Food allergy week is an initiative of Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia. Food allergy week aims to raise awareness of food allergy in an effort to promote understanding and ultimately to help to protect those at risk.
Lead Organisations

Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand.
ASCIA promotes and advances the study and knowledge of immune and allergic diseases, including asthma.

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA)
A&AA is the peak national patient support organisation for allergy. A&AA is a charitable, not for profit organisation, which aims to improve awareness of allergy and anaphylaxis in the Australian community, by sharing current information, education, advocacy, research, guidance and support.
Other Organisations

Allergy and Immunology Foundation of Australasia (AIFA)
AIFA is dedicated to funding medical research and raising public awareness of allergy and other disorders of the human immune system. These include allergy, asthma, and immune diseases such as primary immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases.

National Allergy Centre of Excellence (NACE)
NACE will develop hubs for allergy research, repository & discovery, evidence & translation and training & innovation. Goals are to tackle the debilitating health outcomes and costs of allergy; address the majority of recommendations from the Australian Government’s 2020 Walking the allergy tightrope report; and improve the lives of five million Australians living with allergy.

Centre for Food Allergy Research (CFAR)
CFAR is an Australia-wide collaboration of food allergy experts. Funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) since 2013, their work aims to prevent, treat and manage food allergies, promote the rapid translation of outcomes into clinical practice, and expand the research workforce through training and mentorship.
Content updated October 2023