December 2020
The National Allergy Strategy has progressed many projects and activities over the year. Detailed below are our main achievements:

- 9 teen Zoom chats
- 10 young adult Zoom chats
- 8 peer mentors trained via Zoom
- 3 new peer mentors recruited
- 3 new video animations – ‘How allergies work’, ‘Eczema’, ‘Allergic rhinitis’
- 72 social media posts and 17 tiktok videos
- New eczema management infographics
- Camp section added to 250K teen website
- Peer mentor section added to 250K teen website

- All about Allergens for Hospitals developed and released and its uptake supported by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Registrations by course:
- All about Allergens (AAA) - 13,433
- AAA: The next step (cooks and chefs) - 4,058
- AAA: The next step (camps) - 796
- AAA for Hospitals - 1,407
- A series of practical videos for food allergen management in the home released

- New practical information about how to introduce the common food allergens for each developmental stage
- New recipe booklet to help parents introduce the common food allergens
- 2 successful month-long social media campaigns
- 44,800 NipBub bookmarks supplied to health professionals to give to parents

- Face to face meeting with key stakeholders
- National online survey of staff working in schools and ECEC
- National online survey of parents with children in school and ECEC
- Draft Minimum standards for the prevention and management of anaphylaxis developed
- Supporting resources drafted

- Communicated information to health care providers working in allergy and consumers about the benefits and capabilities of My Health Record, through:
- 4 fact sheets
- 8 newsletters
- A webinar for clinical immunology/allergy specialists
Download a PDF version of the NAS Achievements 2020 here
Our Thanks
The National Allergy Strategy would like to take this opportunity to thank our Steering Committee, Project Leads, project Working Groups, 250K peer mentors and all the stakeholders including consumers, who have contributed to the development and implementation of the National Allergy Strategy projects.
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