17 August 2021
It continues to be challenging times for us all as we work hard to continue to progress our projects, whilst navigating through continuing lockdowns and border restrictions.
Anaphylaxis prevention and management in school and children’s education and care (CEC) project

We have chosen to delay the launch of the Best Practice Guidelines for the prevention and management of anaphylaxis in schools and CEC services due to the current COVID-19restrictions.
The Best Practice Guidelines will now be launched on the 7th October 2021 via a virtual launch. Our key stakeholders involved in developing the Best Practice Guidelines and supporting resources will be invited to attend the virtual launch.
We greatly appreciate the contributions from key stakeholders, staff working in schools and children’s education and care and parents.
More information about how to access these resources will be provided closer to the launch date.
For further information, go to https://nationalallergystrategy.org.au/projects/schools-and-cec
Food allergen management in food service

Our three new courses – Schools, Children’s education and care (CEC) and camps – are being well utilised despite only being available since June.
All about Allergens for Schools is designed for school canteens/tuckshops, boarding schools and food technology staff and senior food technology students.
All about Allergens for CEC is designed for all staff (cooks, chefs and educators) working in CEC services.
All about Allergens for Camps is designed for all camp staff preparing and handling food or supervising food service.
The original All about Allergens course and the Next Step for Cooks and Chefs course (general food service) are currently being updated.
Visit our new All about Allergens resource hub to access a range of resources including recipe templates, sample policies, food allergen menu matrix template, animations and links to other credible websites. All National Allergy Strategy resources are available free of charge.
Free All about Allergens bookmarks (including free postage) are available – these are distributed by Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia on behalf of the National Allergy Strategy – click here to order.
The Food allergy aware website is a food allergy resource hub. Recent updates to the website makes it easier for schools, children’s education and care services, food services, consumers and health professionals to find the information they are looking for.
To access the free All about Allergens online courses, go to www.foodallergytraining.org.au.

To visit the food allergy aware resource hub, go to www.foodallergyaware.org.au

250K youth project

We are continuing to monitor the current COVID-19 restrictions and border closures as we progress our planning for the 250K youth camp to be held in Adelaide in early December 2021.
We are also progressing with planning the 250K youth camp scheduled for early March 2022 in Perth.
We have continued to have regular Connect 250K Zoom chats with our school aged teens and young adults.
We will be commencing a more structured Connect 250K program with our school aged teens and peer mentors in the coming months.
Don’t forget to watch our new 250K animations including those on eczema management and treatment of allergic rhinitis – click here to go to NAS Resources.
Free 250K bookmarks and posters (including free postage) are available – these are distributed by Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia on behalf of the National Allergy Strategy – click here to order.
To find out more about the 250K youth camps and other 250K resources, go to: www.250K.org.au

My Health Record podcasts for health professionals and consumers

The National Allergy Strategy has worked with the Australian Digital Health Agency to develop podcasts for health professionals and consumers about My Health Record and allergy information.
The podcasts speakers are:
Dr Andrew Rochford - Facilitator
Dr Aaron Chambers - General practitioner at Growlife Medical and Director of Allergy First
Maria Said - CEO Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia and Co-Chair of the National Allergy Strategy
Dr Dean Tey - Director, Paediatric Clinical immunology/allergy specialist, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Dr Charlotte Hespe - Director, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Board
These podcasts are available from the following links:
To find out more about the National Allergy Strategy My Health Record project, click here.
Food allergy prevention project (Nip allergies in the Bub)

The National Allergy Strategy had a virtual stand at the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia conference to help raise awareness about the Nip allergies in the Bub project and available resources.
Our next stage in the project is to develop a video focusing on food textures for babies. This will be a short practical video for parents to help prevent choking in babies when introducing the common food allergens.
We are currently promoting food allergy prevention information and resources to health professionals and parents via social media.
The infant feeding helpline (ph:1300 661 312) is available for parents, carers and health professionals.
We recently released a video about how to introduce the common food allergens focusing on signs of readiness. We also developed free downloadable information sheets providing parents with food ideas for the different stages of eating development.
To view the new video click here.
To access the information sheets, click here.
To visit the Nip allergies in the Bub website, go to: www.preventallergies.org.au

FREE posters and bookmarks
The following National Allergy Strategy resources are available free of charge from the Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia shop.
Nip Allergies in the Bub bookmarks
Nip Allergies in the Bub posters
250K posters
All about Allergens online training bookmarks
The Usual Suspects poster (developed with the NSW Food Authority and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia)

Stay informed about the National Allergy Strategy
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter to stay informed or visit the National Allergy Strategy website: nationalallergycouncil.org.au