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4 July 2018

Federal government funding for National Allergy Strategy initiatives

The National Allergy Strategy is pleased to announce that funding has been received from the Australian Government to continue to implement several initiatives in 2018-19.  This funding has been received as an outcome of the work undertaken in 2016-17, and will allow us to undertake further work with the food service sector and teens and young adults. In addition, the National Allergy Strategy will also scope the development of a Shared Care Model for Allergic Diseases in Australia.

The National Allergy Strategy is very thankful for the funding support from the Australian Government, who have recognised the importance of supporting Australians living with allergic conditions. We are also very thankful for the funding support we receive from private donations and unrestricted education grants from industry.

The National Allergy Strategy is also thankful for the support we continue to receive from our Steering Committee, Working Groups and stakeholder organisations. Many people have donated their time and expertise allowing us to produce useful resources that are free of charge and well utilised.

Food Allergy Prevention project


This project is funded by the Australian government and aims to implement the ASCIA guidelines for infant feeding and allergy prevention. The project is progressing with the release of health professional resources planned for mid-July 2018. Resources for parents will be launched in WA (as the pilot region) in late August 2018. A range of resources will be available for health professionals and parents including an informative website specific to food allergy prevention, online training, free downloadable resources and videos.

250K Youth project


This project has received funding to continue engaging with young people living with severe allergy and help them to connect.  Social media engagement, a mentor program and a camp are all on the agenda for 2018-19, funded by the Australian Government. Visit the 250K website for news updates

Food Service project


The All about Allergens free online training was developed in 2017 by the National Allergy Strategy in partnership with other key stakeholders. This course has been updated based on feedback by users and continues to be well utilised. In 2018-19 further work in the area of training for food service staff and a communication strategy for consumers will be undertaken, with funding received by the Australian Government. To access the updated All about Allergens course visit

Food Service in Hospitals project

This project has been funded by a private donation and has resulted in the development of resources, in consultation with key stakeholders, to ensure usability. The resources will be available in July 2018 on the All about Allergens online training website

Environmental Health Officer (EHO) resource

Work on this project is progressing, with the resource currently being reviewed by key stakeholder organisations.  This resource aims to assist EHOs in helping food businesses improve food allergen safety. This resource is funded by the Australian government and will be released in October 2018. 

Shared Care Model for Allergic Diseases in Australia

Funding from the Australian Government has been received to scope a Shared Care Model for Allergic Diseases in Australia, which aims to ensure patients receive the right care from the right person, at the right time, in the right place. This work will be undertaken in 2018-19 and will engage with all key stakeholder organisations.