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November 2018

We have been working hard to progress the many projects of the National Allergy Strategy over the past few months.

Nip allergies in the Bub

Nip allergies in the Bub

The pilot phase of this project, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health was launched in August 2018 in Western Australia and has been well received.

The Nip allergies in the Bub website, developed as part of this project, aims to provide practical information to parents about when and how to introduce solid foods as well as how to optimise eczema management for allergy prevention.

The website and resources will continue to be improved as we receive feedback, whilst we progress the pilot phase and prepare for national roll-out in 2019.

Visit the website, see what’s new and provide feedback 

250K youth project

250K schoolies

We are pleased to welcome Nyssa Booth, our part time communications person. Nyssa will be helping us to engage with young people through social media. Nyssa will also be assisting with the development of additional website content based on engagement with young people.

In January 2019, we will be holding a camp for the National Allergy Strategy 250K Youth Advisory Team. This is the first camp specifically for young people living with severe allergy, particularly food allergy.  We look forward to sharing this opportunity and experience with our Youth Advisory Team who have helped guide National Allergy Strategy youth resources.

Visit the 250K website and Facebook page for news items and updates

Food service project

We are also pleased to welcome Tristan Schwartzkopff as a part time project officer working on the food service project.

The All about Allergens online training continues to be well utilised by many workers in the food service sector.

As part of the next phase of the food service project, a “Food allergen management in food service” round table was held last week to engage with key stakeholders. At the stakeholder meeting many issues were discussed including minimum standards for food allergen management training in food service, the next steps for online training and a communication strategy for consumers.

To access the All about Allergens course visit

Resource hub for authorised officers

Resources AOA new online resource hub for authorised officers developed by the National Allergy Strategy in partnership with Environmental Health Australia was released last week.

This website provides an overview of the legislative context for food allergens in food service and manufacturing and also information to assist authorised officers to help to improve practises around food allergen management.


Food allergen management in hospitals project

Several resources are now available to help improve food allergen management for food service providers in hospitals and other institutions. The Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care will be communicating with all hospitals across Australia to inform them about these resources.

To access these resources, visit

NAS resources hospital

Shared care model for allergy in Australia

Funding from the Australian Government has been received to scope a Shared Care Model for Allergic Diseases in Australia, which aims to ensure patients receive the right care from the right person, at the right time, in the right place. Planning for stakeholder consultation has commenced and round table discussions will be held in mid-March 2019.


To help keep you informed, please follow the National Allergy Strategy on Facebook