Shared Care for Allergy Bulletin May 2023 - Edition 3
Thank you for subscribing to the Shared Care for Allergy Bulletin. This will be a regular newsletter from the National Allergy Council to let people know what is happening with the Shared Care for Allergy project.
Our goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians living with allergies by making it easier for people to access the best care. The Australian Government Department of Health has funded the National Allergy Council, the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), to progress this important work.
Shared Care for Allergy engagement sessions underway
The first engagement sessions started last week. We held in-person meetings in Cairns, Brisbane and Hobart with close to 40 people across these sessions. Thank you to all the community members, healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators and representatives from peak professional bodies who came along to connect and share their thoughts and ideas on how things can be improved. These sessions are being facilitated by Ian Watson from The Social Deck who has experience in making sure everyone’s thoughts are heard and running an interactive session with different ways for people to provide input.
Shared Care for Allergy meeting in Cairns
Shared Care for Allergy meeting in Brisbane
Shared Care for Allergy meeting in Hobart
Online engagement meetings added
There is still time to register for the health professional and community engagement meetings taking place in different regions of Australia. Some of the in-person sessions will now be taking place online. We have also added another general online session on Thursday 25 May which people from anywhere in Australia can join.
To register visit the Shared Care for Allergy Consultation Hub.
Upcoming in-person sessions:
Location | Time | Date (2023) | Closing date |
Adelaide, South Australia | 9am – 3pm (AEST) | Wednesday 24 May | Email |
Melbourne, Victoria | 9am – 3pm (AEST) | Wednesday 7 June | Wednesday 24 May |
Perth, Western Australia | 9am – 3pm (AWST) | Wednesday 14 June | Wednesday 31 May |
Upcoming online sessions:
Region | Time | Date (2023) | Closing date |
Northern Territory | 9am – 12pm (ACST) | Monday 22 May | Thursday 18 May |
Australia (anywhere) JUST ADDED | 6.30pm – 8.30pm (AEST) | Thursday 25 May | Tuesday 23 May |
Regional Victoria | 9am – 12pm (AEST) | Monday 5 June | Thursday 1 June |
Australian Capital Territory | 9am – 12pm (AEST) | Friday 9 June | Wednesday 7 June |
Regional Western Australia | 9am – 12pm (AWST) | Friday 16 June | Wednesday 14 June |
Registration is essential and is being managed through TryBooking, an Australian event ticketing platform.
Venue information, directions, the agenda and additional information will be provided to people who have registered closer to the session date.
If you are not able to attend one of these sessions, there will be other ways for people to give input into the project and you will hear about these through this Bulletin and social media.
To contact us about the engagement sessions, please email
Shared Care for Allergy Working Groups
A Shared Care for Allergy Working Group led by the Project Co-leads, Dr Katie Frith (ASCIA representative) and Ms Maria Said AM (A&AA representative) provides advice and direction across all parts of the project. There are two smaller groups that have been set up to work on specific parts of the project:
- What education and training about allergy will look like in the future for healthcare professionals.
- What the best allergy care looks like (standards of care).
These working groups will start working on these parts of the project in the second half of this year, using information gathered in the engagement meetings, and in close consultation with education providers and peak professional bodies.
Education and training update from ASCIA
ASCIA is working on a project to find out how allergy/anaphylaxis training is being provided in university courses for healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses and allied health. They will survey universities, students and recent graduates to find out what training is included in undergraduate courses and how it is taught.
ASCIA will also survey students and graduates of teaching and children’s education/care (CEC) courses as part of a project to find out how allergy/anaphylaxis training is being provided in courses for teachers and CEC workers.
Research from these projects will be used to make recommendations about what allergy/anaphylaxis training should be included in courses and the best way to teach it.
More information is available on the ASCIA website.
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